Atlantic Cape - General Education Courses

COMMUNICATION - Written and Oral Communication

COMM110-Interpersonal Communication

COMM120-Public Speaking 

ENGL101-Composition I

ENGL102-Composition II

ENGL230-Technical Writing (for AAS degrees only)


MATHEMATICS - Quantitative Knowledge and Skills

MATH121-Application of Mathematics

MATH122-College Algebra


MATH152-Linear Algebra

MATH155-Calculus I

MATH156-Calculus II

MATH220-Statistical Methods

MATH255-Calculus III

SCIENCE – Scientific Knowledge and Reasoning

ANTH/BIOL101-Biological Anthropology

BIOL103-Biology of Our World

BIOL109-General Biology I

BIOL110-General Biology II

BIOL118-The Human Body

BIOL220-Human Anatomy & Physiology I (formerly, BIOL120)

BIOL221-Human Anatomy & Physiology II (formerly, BIOL121)

CHEM100-Introduction to College Chemistry

CHEM110-General Chemistry I

CHEM111-General Chemistry II

CHEM210-Organic Chemistry I

ENVL100-Environmental Science

ESCI100-Earth Science

PHYS100-Conceptual Physics

PHYS102-Fundamentals of Astronomy

PHYS125-College Physics I

PHYS126-College Physics II

PHYS225-General Physics I

PHYS226-General Physics II

TECHNOLOGY – Technological Competency

● CISM125-Introduction to Computers

CISM132-Problem Solving Using Technology

(Technological competency is an Atlantic Cape graduation requirement for all students. Students who test out of CISM125, CISM132, or present a portfolio in lieu of taking CISM125 or CISM132 must pay tuition only if they need the credits to satisfy a program requirement.)

SOCIAL SCIENCE – Society and Human Behavior

ANTH103-Cultural Anthropology

EDUC/PSYC110-Child Development: Theory and Practice (Child Care & Pre-School-Grade 3 majors only)


GEOG102-Introduction to Cultural Geography

GEOG110-World Geography

GOVT101-Introduction to Government and Politics

GOVT110-American National Government

PSYC101-General Psychology

PSYC135-Child Psychology

SOCL101-Principles of Sociology

HUMANITIES – Humanistic Perspective

Art, Music, or Theater

■ ARTS103-Art Appreciation

● ARTS108-Art History from Ancient Times to the Gothic Period

ARTS109-Art History from the Renaissance to Modern Times

ARTS115-Introduction to Visual Arts

DANC170-Introduction to Dance

HUMT201-Introduction to Humanities I

HUMT202-Introduction to Humanities II

■ MUSC100-Music Appreciation

THEA110-Introduction to Theater


● ENGL104-Introduction to Literature

● ENGL201-World Literature

■ ENGL202-Race and Ethnicity in Literature

ENGL205-19th Century American Literature

ENGL206-20th Century American Literature

ENGL213-Western Literature I

ENGL214-Western Literature II

ENGL215-20th Century African-American Literature

● ENGL235-Gender & Sexuality in Literature

Foreign Language – World Language

FREN111-Elementary French I

FREN112-Elementary French II

ITAL111-Elementary Italian I

ITAL112-Elementary Italian II

SPAN111-Elementary Spanish I

SPAN112-Elementary Spanish II

History (as Humanities)

HIST101-Heritage of the Western World I

HIST102-Heritage of the Western World II

HIST103-U.S. History I

HIST104-U.S. History II

Philosophy or Religious Studies

PHIL101-Introduction to Logic

● PHIL102-Introduction to Philosophy

● PHIL105-World Myths and Legends

PHIL106-Introduction to Social and Political Philosophy

● PHIL110-Introduction to Ethics

● PHIL111-World Systems of Ethics

PHIL115-Philosophy in Literature

RELG110-World Religions

HISTORY – Historical Perspective

HIST101-Heritage of the Western World I

HIST102-Heritage of the Western World II

HIST103-U.S. History I

HIST104-U.S. History II

HIST210-Women in American History

HIST220-African American History

DIVERSITY – Global and Cultural Awareness

ANTH103-Cultural Anthropology

ENGL201-World Literature

● ENGL202-Race and Ethnicity in Literature

● ENGL235-Gender & Sexuality in Literature

GEOG102-Cultural Geography

GEOG110-World Geography

HIST210-Women in American History

HIST220-African American History

● PHIL105-World Myths and Legends

PHIL106-Introduction to Social and Political Philosophy

● PHIL111-World Systems of Ethics

RELG110-World Religions

SABR110-Global Cuisine & Culture: Study Abroad

SOCL101-Principles of Sociology

Course satisfies Ethical Reasoning and Action (integrated goal)

■ – Course satisfies Information Literacy (integrated goal)