Degrees and Certificates


ANTH/PSYC303: Cross-Cultural Psychology

Credits 3

An examination of the ways in which non-Western people and cultures view psychology.  The course will introduce students to the field of cross-cultural psychology, and will examine the impact of culture on human behaviors, thoughts and emotions.  Finally, the course will examine cultural views on physical and mental health, psychological disorders and treatments.

EDUC/PSYC110: Child Development: Theory and Practice

Credits 4

Principles and theories of the development of the child from birth through adolescence. Intellectual, psychosocial and physical development will be studied with an emphasis on the role of family and care-giving adults in the optimal growth and development of the child. In addition to the lecture, students must be available for a three-hour-per-week practicum with a children’s group. (Placements usually occur during the day; early childhood employees may use their workplace as the placement.) Meets General Education requirement for Social Science.

PSYC/EDUC213: Educational Psychology

Credits 3
Teaching-learning process is examined through a study of the major psychological theories of learning, motivation and maturation. These psychological principles are applied to practices of classroom instruction that consider the developmental stage, abilities and learning styles of the learner.

PSYC/EDUC226: Psychology of Exceptionality

Credits 3

Survey of the major categories and types of exceptionality (e.g. mental retardation, learning disabilities, giftedness). Topics include characteristics, causes, identification/assessment, educational remediation approaches and transition to adulthood.

PSYC/SOCL204: Social Psychology

Credits 3

Examines the social environment and its relationship to students and their behavior. Topics include social roles, group process and aggression.

PSYC/SOCL207: Introduction to Gerontology

Credits 3
Examines the physiological, psychological and social aspects of aging. Topics include cognitive and personality adaptations, sensory and other health changes, and social and community relationships.

PSYC101: General Psychology

Credits 3
Survey of selected major topics within the field of psychology. Topics include stress, psychotherapy, testing, emotions, drives and motives, and memory and learning. Emphasis will be placed on the psychobiological processes that influence behavior. Meets General Education requirement for Social Science.

PSYC135: Child Psychology

Credits 3
Topical examination of the psychological factors that influence life from conception through adolescence. A special emphasis is placed on the psychobiological and social processes governing human behavior. Meets General Education requirement for Social Science.

PSYC140: Principles of Guidance for Parents and Teachers

Credits 3
Considers the role of adults as parents and teachers in the experience of the developing child. Theoretical examination of the dynamics of the child-adult relationship from infancy through adolescence will be coupled with practical strategies for promoting positive development through each stage.

PSYC212: Personality and Adjustment

Credits 3

In-depth study of select personality theories and the dynamics of adjustment mechanisms. Emphasis is placed on motivation and stress in personal development; disturbances in behavior and their resolution; social forces in personal development; and fostering mental health.

PSYC214: Abnormal Psychology

Credits 3

Particular behavioral traits are evaluated positively and negatively with respect to the individual and social functioning. Study of methods, concepts, principles and findings of deviant behaviors and experiences.

PSYC225: Human Development

Credits 3
Course provides a critical examination of concepts and changes that occur throughout the human lifespan. There is an emphasis upon biological, cultural, intergenerational, social, and other systemic experiences and influences upon personal and social development.

PSYC230: Psychology of Adulthood

Credits 3

Topical examination of the psychological factors that influence life from young adulthood through old age. Special emphasis is placed on the psychobiological factors of the aging process.

PSYC301: Psychology of Gender

Credits 3

An examination of the ways in which psychologists think about and study the construct of gender. Topics discussed will include development and change of gender across the lifespan, the idea of gender over time within the field of psychology, and psychological perspectives on gender seen through the lens of society, culture, history and biology.